The Understudy is an original Realm mystery thriller serialized fiction and audio drama written by Holly Brown, Sophie Hannah, Clare Mackintosh, and BA Paris and narrated by Carol Jacobanis and Marian Hussey. It was released on October 3, 2019. It has 1 season and 10 episodes.
Four mothers must decide how far they’ll go to protect their daughters from a deadly threat at their performing arts school.
Official synopsis
The serial is about four mothers protecting their daughters from a threat at their performing arts school.
- Carolyn
- Bronnie
- Elise
- Kendall
- Ruby Donovan
- Imogen Curwood
# | Title | Reading length | Listening length |
1 | The Music Box | 37 minutes | 67 minutes |
A sinister threat throws everything into chaos. | |||
2 | Let the Show Begin | 37 minutes | 61 minutes |
Here lies Ruby Donovan. | |||
3 | On the Trail for Truth | 39 minutes | 71 minutes |
Elise stumbles upon a shocking secret. | |||
4 | The Performance | 39 minutes | 77 minutes |
A new threat emerges. | |||
5 | Truth Crash | 41 minutes | 70 minutes |
Is there a new suspect? | |||
6 | Revelations | 38 minutes | 65 minutes |
It’s time for Bronnie to act. | |||
7 | All the Prayers | 40 minutes | 77 minutes |
A tragedy befalls the group. | |||
8 | Picture Perfect | 35 minutes | 65 minutes |
Who is Imogen Curwood? | |||
9 | Finding Grace | 35 minutes | 58 minutes |
Carolyn uncovers a stunning truth. | |||
10 | The Final Act | 43 minutes | 75 minutes |
The curtain falls. |