Spider King is an original Realm horror serialized fiction and audio drama written by Justin C. Key. It was narrated by William DeMeritt. It was released on April 19, 2021. It has 1 season and 4 episodes.
After taking the rap for a crime he didn’t commit, an incarcerated Black man makes a dangerous bargain to earn his freedom.
Official synopsis
This is a story about Darnell, a black man, who makes a dangerous bargain to earn his freedom, after being accused of a crime he didn't commit.
- Darnell
# | Title | Upload date | Length |
1 | Release | April 19, 2021 | 28 minutes |
2 | Re-entry | April 26, 2021 | 31 minutes |
3 | Rebirth | May 3, 2021 | 35 minutes |
4 | Repeat | May 10, 2021 | 31 minutes |