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Serial Box Wiki

ReMade is an original Realm sci-fi thriller serialized fiction and audio drama created by Matthew Cody, written by Matthew Cody, Gwenda Bond, Amy Rose Capetta, Carrie Harris, E.C. Myers, Andrea Phillips, and Kiersten White, narrated by Laurel Schroeder and Greg Tremblay, and cover art is made by Elizabeth Casal. It was released on September 18, 2017. It has 2 seasons and 29 episodes.


During the apocalypse, 23 teenagers die within moments of each other. When they wake in the future, the world they must survive—in which malicious AI aim to snuff humanity out for good—might be a fate worse than death.

Official synopsis


Having already met their earthy demise, twenty three teens wake up bewildered to a post-apocalyptic world. As they flee through the wilderness to escape robots who seem intent on destroying them, they scour the remains of civilization in search for humanity, Will they lose their own humanity in the process?



  • Holden is an average-looking teenage boy with a slim build and calming voice. He has the tendency to be shy and overly cautious.
  • He joined his schools production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" as Mustard Seed to be closer to his crush, Sayeh.
  • He died in a car accident after driving Sayeh to a cast party after the opening night of their play.


  • Seyah is biracial, being half-Persian and half-black. She is admired for her beauty and is considered to have a very aesthetically pleasing face.
  • Her father is a black police officer who wants Seyah to have a meaningful career that can better society. Her mom is Persian and is very invested in the traditional idea of marriage for Seyah.
  • Seyah loves to sing and secretly wishes that she can perform on Broadway. Her friends and family do not seem supportive.
  • Seyah dies in a car accident with Holden after her opening night of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" on her way to a cast party.


  • Nevaeh has chocolate-colored skin and appears delicate and thin. Before her death, she was covered in scars from previous surgeries,
  • She is seen by others as nurturing, selfless, and non-confrontational.
  • Prior to her death, she spent a significant part of her childhood in the hospital as a result of Hodgkin's Lymphoma. She held on to the hope of becoming a nurse if she had made it into remission.
  • While her father tried to be supportive as possible, her mother was emotionally immature and controlling of Nevaeh. Her mother grew suspicious of Nevaeh’s cancer treatments and insisted on discharging her from the hospital to search for cures in naturopathy and alternative medicine. Nevaeh later discovers that she would have likely recovered if she had stayed in the hospital and continued treatment.


  • May is Chinese-American with a slim and athletic build. She likes to keeps a very neat appearance.
  • She is driven and holds herself to an incredibly high standard, despite her parents' raising concern for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. She was determined to be the first Chinese-American Supreme Court Justice.
  • She holds some anxiety regarding her health due to a history of severe food allergies and enjoys running as a way to clear her head.
  • May died from anaphylaxis while alone on a run after eating a protein bar that was not safe for her to eat.


  • Loki is a teenage boy who is slightly overweight and physically out of shape. He doesn't invest much into his overall appearance.
  • Loki is an actually a nickname that he gave to himself based on the screename he uses for gaming.
  • Loki was isolated and had little to no friends. Loki enjoyed video games and connected with others virtually through gaming prior to being bullied.
  • Raised in a military family, his parents held Loki to a high standard. They frequently compared him to his older sister, who was in the military. He and his sister were close and he found her to be supportive, but they stopped talking on a regular basis due to the high-stress nature of her job.
  • After receiving a large amount of criticism and feeling like he didn’t fit in, Loki dropped out of junior ROTC at his private school unbeknownst to his parents. Regardless, he became a good marksman due to his practice during artillery classes.
  • After being severely bullied both virtually and at school, Loki brought his father’s gun to school while considering whether to shoot his classmates as revenge.
  • While he threatened to shoot his bullies and held them hostage at gunpoint, he let them go and tried to evade the police. Despite phone calls from his sister pleading for him to turn himself in, he committed suicide after police had cornered him inside the school.


  • Umta is a widow and former mother of two boys. After the death of her mate, her tribe largely ignored her and did not care for her well-being, She died in vain trying to protect her sons from an attack by a large she-wolf.
  • Though still human-like in appearance, she has reddish-brown hair covering her body as well as her face. She is noted to hasve a large-set jaw and oddly shaped forehead. She is known to move swiftly and without sound.
  • While the caretakers provided her with the language skills and knowledge of the modern world, she finds herself reverting back to the mannerisms of her time. She avoids speaking to the others in her group and frequently goes on hunting trips alone. She prefers to hunt with no shoes or clothing as she finds them too restrictive.


  • Cole is teenage boy with a muscular build and broad shoulders. He has a deep voice and a southern accent. He doesn't talk much, but he is very observant and notices small details that are out of place. He does not like to be reliant on others.
  • He grew up working at his parents' ranch and has the skills and physical endurance to show for it.
  • Although just a teenager, he already had a son at the time of his death. As a result, he at times has difficulty with relating to the rest of the teens in the group.


  • Hyrum is the youngest of all the teens in the group. He has curly blond hair and still has remnants of boyhood.
  • Before his death, he was a dedicated Mormon and Boy Scout. He has a great number of skills that help the group survive in the wilderness. He is always eager to contribute, though he cannot as easily protect himself due to his small size and stature.


  • Inez is a Latina teenager with short, brown hair. She is known to be brave, determined, and opinionated. She is only romantically interested in other women, and is open about being gay with her friends and family.
  • After losing her father to cancer, she tried to fill the role that he left behind by helping raise her siblings and holding down a job.
  • Due to stress and a lack of time, she became distant with her friends. She found herself on edge and constantly exhausted.
  • After taking trip to the beach, she drowns trying to save her cousin who was swept out to sea by a dangerous current.


  • Teddy is a blond, athletically-built teenager. He is considered to be good-looking and is known for his charming smile.
  • He is a reality television star due to his successful football career and charismatic persona, with a camera crew following him around nearly 24/7.
  • He is somewhat distant from his mother due to his fame and independence, though he wants to make sure that she is well-provided for.
  • Due to a family history of schizophrenia, he is convinced it will only be a matter of time before he loses touch with reality. He fears he will suddenly become violent as a result of psychosis, just like his father did when he was a young child.
  • To cope with his fame and fear of the future, he developed an unhealthy drinking habit. He died trying to scale a tall fence at a party while excessively drunk. After his death, he believed everything that happened was just an intricate delusion inside his head, with the others in his group just a manifestation of his own psyche,


Season 1[]

# Title Reading length Listening length
1 Shadows and Dreams 44 minutes 65 minutes

What dreams may come?

2 Hungry 55 minutes 84 minutes

Gnawing unknowing.

3 Home, Perilous Home 54 minutes 79 minutes

A second chance at life.

4 The Most Dangerous Game 57 minutes 83 minutes

The group meets the local wildlife and Loki goes hunting.

5 Umta 43 minutes 67 minutes

Umta’s past is revealed, and the caretakers make their move.

6 Reality No-Show 52 minutes 83 minutes

A break from your regular programming.

7 Mourning Train 45 minutes 66 minutes

The remades regroup aboard their getaway train—and meet the new arrivals.

8 End of the Line 60 minutes 95 minutes

Hyrum makes a disturbing observation and Inez takes a risk.

9 Whiteout 55 minutes 81 minutes

May learns a harsh lesson about survival.

10 Mirror of Fate 50 minutes 80 minutes

Seyah does some reflecting and the group takes a bath.

11 We're Dead in this Ghost Town 61 minutes 98 minutes

The remade explore the city while Loki exposes his past.

12 Modern History 47 minutes 68 minutes

Cole discovers some unsettling answers at a museum.

13 Memories of Arcadia 54 minutes 91 minutes

The city watches, and remembers.

14 The Slow Fade 50 minutes 81 minutes

Arcadia makes a request. Holden makes a decision.

15 The End of the Beginning 37 minutes 60 minutes

With Caretakers at their heels, the group makes a break for it.

Season 2[]

# Title Reading length Listening length
1 Patch Job 39 minutes 65 minutes

Blast from the past

2 Signal to Noise 41 minutes 67 minutes

The perils of Sanctuary

3 Fear of Falling 39 minutes 64 minutes

Getting to know you

4 Save Point 42 minutes 71 minutes

A new face

5 Man's Best Friend 42 minutes 65 minutes

Sparky’s warning

6 Daredevil 40 minutes 68 minutes

Safer than safe

7 Chosen One 41 minutes 68 minutes

Follow the leader

8 The Bones of Sanctuary 43 minutes 71 minutes

Secrets in the night

9 Power Struggles 44 minutes 76 minutes

Caretakers, caretakers everywhere

10 Siege Mentality 40 minutes 68 minutes

All hands on deck

11 Different Boats 36 minutes 59 minutes

Losing control

12 Toward the Light 38 minutes 66 minutes

Saying goodbye

13 Actus Reus 36 minutes 62 minutes

Trials and tribulations

14 Brave New Girl 39 minutes 64 minutes

A risk worth taking

External Links[]
