Marvel's Jessica Jones: Playing With Fire is an original Realm action and adventure serialized fiction and audio drama created by Lauren Beukes, written by Vita Ayala, Sam Beckbessinger, Zoe Quinn, Elsa Sjunneson, narrated by Fryda Wolff, and cover art is made by Annie Wu. It was released on May 28, 2020. It has 1 season and 16 episodes.
The safe choice? Walk away. But when has Jessica Jones ever played it safe?
Official synopsis
Jessica Jones tries to self-care by seeing a therapist, finding healthier coping mechanisms, and working toward not wanting to punch things all the time. When a boy’s body turns up under an overpass in what looks like a cut-and-dried overdose, Jessica can’t let it go and dives headlong into an obsessive search for answers.
- Jessica Jones
- Missing teenager
- Jamie
- Matt Murdock
- Nova Naledi
- Sam
- Diane
- Shaw
# | Title | Reading length | Listening length |
1 | The Big Easy | 17 minutes | 29 minutes |
Ice cream truck turf wars and a missing teenager. Or, a normal week in the life of Jessica Jones. | |||
2 | The Boy Under the Bridge | 16 minutes | 28 minutes |
Jessica drops by the Hellfire Club and later finds Jamie. She almost wishes she hadn’t. | |||
3 | Never Saw it Coming | 17 minutes | 31 minutes |
Jessica attends Jamie’s memorial service and can’t resist digging deeper. What happened to him? | |||
4 | This is Going to Hurt | 11 minutes | 19 minutes |
Another visit to the Hellfire Club turns up new leads––then everything goes wrong. | |||
5 | A Visit from Old Friends | 14 minutes | 22 minutes |
After Matt Murdock gets her out of jail, Jessica pursues new leads in Jamie’s disappearance. | |||
6 | Fake it Till You Make it | 15 minutes | 25 minutes |
Jessica may not be able to go back to the Hellfire Club, but no one said anything about Nova Naledi. | |||
7 | It was Always Burning | 9 minutes | 15 minutes |
With the Hellfire Club off limits, Jessica is down to two pieces of evidence: an ATM receipt and a locked phone. | |||
8 | My Door is Always Open (Now) | 10 minutes | 16 minutes |
Jessica goes on a Brooklyn adventure to crack the passcode to Jamie’s phone. But she’s not the only one interested in him. | |||
9 | Bad Taxidermy | 16 minutes | 27 minutes |
Jessica meets up with Sam to drink some bad booze and share what she learned from Jamie’s phone. | |||
10 | Newton's Third Law | 14 minutes | 24 minutes |
Jessica’s investigation takes a bizarre turn when she confronts Diane over the new evidence. | |||
11 | Sleight of Mind | 16 minutes | 30 minutes |
Jessica wakes up in a cell. But how? And more importantly: why? | |||
12 | Other Times, Other Places | 13 minutes | 23 minutes |
Jessica and Sam join forces for a daring escape. | |||
13 | Midnight Train | 20 minutes | 34 minutes |
Baba ghanoush and a little help from friends––it’s a start. | |||
14 | Iron Will | 12 minutes | 20 minutes |
Jessica and Sam uncover more of the truth and face off with Shaw once and for all. | |||
15 | Tunnel Vision | 15 minutes | 24 minutes |
Long tunnels, remote hunting lodges, and creepy taxidermy are definitely not what the doctor ordered. | |||
16 | Ripple Effect | 18 minutes | 31 minutes |
Jessica has all the pieces––now it’s time to make sure what happened to Jamie never happens to anyone again. |