Exquisite Corpse is an original Realm horror serialized fiction and audio drama prompt written by Dread Central, written by Richard Chizmar, Paul Cornell, Christopher Golden, Brian Keene, Cassandra Khaw, Stephen Kozeniewski, Nick Mamatas, Sisters of Slaughter, Paul Tremblay, and Alyssa Wong, and narrated by Xe Sands. It has 1 season and 10 episodes. It is based on the eponymous 1996 American horror novel by Poppy Z. Brite.
A filmmaker enlists one of his former actresses to turn his death into a work of art.
Official synopsis
The premise of this story is about how a filmmaker enlists one of his former actresses to turn his death into a work of art.
- Andrew Compton, an English convicted homosexual serial killer, cannibal and necrophiliac
# | Title | Reading length | Listening length |
1 | Exquisite Corpse Episode 1 | 5 minutes | 12 minutes |
Written by Cassandra Khaw, author of Bearly a Lady and A Song for Quiet, and writer on Serial Box’s Born to the Blade. | |||
2 | Exquisite Corpse Episode 2 | 6 minutes | 12 minutes |
Written by Paul Cornell, award-winning author of Chalk and the Witches of Lychford series. | |||
3 | Exquisite Corpse Episode 3 | 4 minutes | 9 minutes |
Written by Brian Keene, the author of many books, including The Rising series, host of the popular podcast The Horror Show with Brian Keene, and writer on Serial Box’s Silverwood. | |||
4 | Exquisite Corpse Episode 4 | 8 minutes | 13 minutes |
Written by Michelle Garza and Melissa Lason, aka the Sisters of Slaughter, authors of Mayan Blue. | |||
5 | Exquisite Corpse Episode 5 | 5 minutes | 10 minutes |
Written by Paul Tremblay, the award-winning author of seven novels, including The Cabin at the End of the World and A Head Full of Ghosts. | |||
6 | Exquisite Corpse Episode 6 | 4 minutes | 8 minutes |
Written by Richard Chizmar, the co-author (with Stephen King) of the bestselling novella, Gwendy’s Button Box, and the founder/publisher of Cemetery Dance magazine, and writer on Serial Box’s Silverwood. | |||
7 | Exquisite Corpse Episode 7 | 5 minutes | 10 minutes |
Written by Christopher Golden, the New York Times-bestselling, Bram Stoker Award-winning author of such novels as Ararat, Snowblind, Of Saints and Shadows, and the upcoming The Pandora Room. | |||
8 | Exquisite Corpse Episode 8 | 6 minutes | 11 minutes |
Written by Stephen Kozeniewski, author of Braineater Jones, Hunter of the Dead, The Hematophages and The Ghoul Archipelago, and writer on Serial Box’s Silverwood. | |||
9 | Exquisite Corpse Episode 9 | 4 minutes | 9 minutes |
Written by Nick Mamatas, the author of several novels, including the The Last Weekend and Hexen Sabbath. | |||
10 | Exquisite Corpse Episode 10 | 4 minutes | 10 minutes |
Written by Alyssa Wong, whose stories have won the Nebula Award for Best Short Story, the World Fantasy Award for Short Fiction, and the Locus Award for Best Novelette. |