Embodied is an original Realm Sci-Fi serialized fiction and audio drama written by Madeline Ashby, Gwenda Bond, Sarah Gailey, Max Gladstone, SL Huang, Mary Robinette Kowal, Mur Lafferty, Malka Older, and Fran Wilde, narrated by Xe Sands, and prompt written by Yoon Ha Lee. It was released on October 21, 2019. It has 1 season and 9 episodes.
Award-winning sci-fi authors team up to write a chilling story about transferring the human mind to android bodies.
Official synopsis
This serial is about transferring the human mind to android bodies designed to the person's specifications.
# | Title | Reading length | Listening length |
1 | Episode 1 | 6 minutes | 10 minutes |
Why do you have memories of a life you never lived? | Written by Mur Lafferty, author of The Shambling Guides series, including The Shambling Guide to New York City and Ghost Train to New Orleans, writer on Serial Box’s Bookburners. | |||
2 | Episode 2 | 7 minutes | 12 minutes |
I’m not your enemy, my fingers spelled out. He’s a liar. | Written by SL Huang, author of Zero Sum Game, writer on Serial Box’s The Vela. | |||
3 | Episode 3 | 5 minutes | 7 minutes |
I couldn’t believe that the happy video she had shown me was a sham. | Written by Malka Older, author of Infomacracy, Null States, and State Tectonics, writer on Serial Box’s Ninth Step Station. | |||
4 | Episode 4 | 4 minutes | 7 minutes |
There must be worse people to be stuck in the body of than a secret agent. | Written by Gwenda Bond, the New York Times bestselling author of many novels, including the Lois Lane and Cirque American trilogies, the first official Stranger Things novel, Suspicious Minds, and writer on Serial Box’s Dead Air and Remade. | |||
5 | Episode 5 | 6 minutes | 10 minutes |
You know how the next bit goes. Or you think you do, because you’ve seen the movies. | Written by Max Gladstone, author of author of the Craft Sequence of books and writer on Serial Box’s Bookburners and The Witch Who Came in from the Cold. | |||
6 | Episode 6 | 8 minutes | 15 minutes |
One good break. That’s all I needed to get the upper hand. | Written by Fran Wilde, author of the Andre Norton-, and Compton Crook Award winning and Nebula-nominated novel Updraft, writer on Serial Box’s Ninth Step Station | |||
7 | Episode 7 | 4 minutes | 7 minutes |
“I would appreciate some answers.” | Written by Hugo and Campbell award finalist Sarah Gailey, author of River of Teeth and Serial Box’s Fisher of Bones. | |||
8 | Episode 8 | 5 minutes | 9 minutes |
Something was exhilarating about watching from deep in my mind as the Actress manipulated our shared body with such exquisite control. | Written by award-winning author Mary Robinette Kowal, winner of Campbell Award for Best New Writer, three Hugo awards, and the RT Reviews award for Best Fantasy Novel, the author of The Glamourist Histories, and writer on Serial Box’s Whitehall. | |||
9 | Episode 9 | 3 minutes | 8 minutes |
Revenge is a dish best served over a span of approximately forty weeks.| Written by Madeline Ashby, author of the Machine Dynasty novels, writer on Serial Box’s Orphan Black: The Next Chapter. |