A Most Dangerous Woman is an original Realm mystery thriller serialized fiction and audio drama created and written by Brenda Clough, narrated by Fiona Hardingham and Stephen West, and the cover art is by Ellice Lee. It was released on November 12, 2018. It has 1 season and 9 episodes. It is also a sequel to The Woman In White by Wilkie Collins.
In Victorian England, a woman must solve a dark mystery in order to save her husband, suspected of murdering his first wife.
Official synopsis
In this serial, Marian Halcolmbe finds and marries her true love, Theo Camlet. But when Theo’s first wife, who everyone believed to be dead, reappears, Marian and her brother in law Walter must delve into the dark and dangerous corners of London to save Theo from accusations of bigamy and murder, as well as the hangman’s noose.
- Marian Halcombe - female protagonist
- Marian's sister
- Walter, brother-in-law
- Theo Camlet - local publisher and widower abandoned by his wife
- Theo's two children
# | Title | Reading length | Listening length |
1 | A New Journal | 59 minutes | 92 minutes |
A calm, quiet life is left behind when Marian Halcombe meets someone new. | |||
2 | The Winter of Our Discontent | 39 minutes | 67 minutes |
Marian’s situation grows more dire as the consequences of Margaret’s reappearance become clear. | |||
3 | Judge and Jury | 37 minutes | 64 minutes |
Theo’s case comes to trial, with an unexpected outcome. | |||
4 | A Fresh Peril | 40 minutes | 70 minutes |
An unexpected tragedy is a boon to Marian and Theo, but they suffer a terrible shock when history repeats itself. | |||
5 | The Canker of Suspicion | 37 minutes | 62 minutes |
As the search for Margaret’s murderer continues, everyone is a suspect. | |||
6 | The First Wife's Tale | 38 minutes | 62 minutes |
Marian and Walter come to a stunning conclusion about Margaret Camlet—a realization that might be the key to Theo’s freedom. | |||
7 | On the Trail of the Blue Hand | 42 minutes | 67 minutes |
New information about Margaret’s faked death gives a glimpse of her real killer. | |||
8 | The Anarchist Den | 47 minutes | 72 minutes |
A friendly visit leads to a deadly confrontation—and a break in the case. | |||
9 | Haste to the Wedding | 47 minutes | 85 minutes |
Nature threatens to get the better of Marian’s intentions, despite her best efforts. |